Accelerated Learning looks different at each of our campuses. 我们认识到挑战学生和提供超越典型课堂环境的成长机会的重要性. 要了解更多新葡京app的加速学习项目,请选择一个校区.
新葡京app小学通过提供视野计划,解决了具有天赋和才能的学习者的学习和发展差异. 该计划的目标是为高能力学习者提供持续的自我理解, cognitive and affective growth, and talent development. Through meaningful and challenging learning activities, 学生将在学习的各个维度上取得重要的学习进展, especially where superior potential may be present. 地平线是学校的使命之一,参与学生的思想,使他们能够在基督教世界观的背景下发展自己的天赋.
Students in the Horizons program participate in weekly pullout classes. The curriculum features units on social and emotional learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), and individual investigation and design. Learning activities that emphasize critical thinking, creativity, 解决问题培养学生在学术和个人层面的能力.
地平线的存在也是为了加强数学的差异化,无论是在常规课堂内还是在课堂外. Students with high math abilities will be given advanced, supplemental instruction in weekly pull-out groups, for homework, and as in-class practice. As they employ persistence to master intellectual challenges, the students will experience eagerness and joy for learning.
Eligibility for Horizons varies by grade level. Various combinations of the following are contributing factors:
地平线是新葡京app中学的扩展学习计划,努力满足学生的学习需求, especially those who display strength in academics. 我们在ECMS的愿望是激励每个学生在成长和学习中蓬勃发展.视野计划鼓励学生整合学术和圣经世界观,以提高他们的个人优势和兴趣. During the course of the program, these students make real-world applications, identify and solve problems, and and use inquiry to questions ideas and practices. 学生被选择参加我们的地平线计划使用标准化考试成绩和老师的推荐. 这些被选中的学生每周聚在一起,在他们独立研究项目的背景下进行合作. In addition, 地平线老师的工作是支持教师计划在核心课程中使用的差异化作业,并为所有学生开发丰富的可能性. 我们的视野计划旨在帮助激发我们有学术天赋的学生,并区分课堂教学,使所有学生都有机会获得最佳的学术成长和成功.
Project Acceleration
指定为双学分的课程允许学生从指定机构获得高中学分和大学学分. 新葡京app高中有双学分课程,以在线形式提供,也有双学分课程,在我们的项目加速计划中,我们与西顿霍尔大学合作在教室提供.完成一门课程后,学生将在大学成绩单上获得学分. 这些学分可转到大多数大学,但其可转性最终由学生就读的学院决定.
More information about Project Acceleration
Academic Support looks a little bit different at each of our campuses. 教育支持服务计划为许多学生提供基督教教育,我们认为他们是不同的学习者. 要了解更多新葡京app的学术支持计划,请选择一个校园.
在小学校园的教育支持服务(Owl 's Nest)项目为学习不同或需要额外学术强化的学生提供以基督为中心的教育. We use a variety of multi-sensory, 高度结构化和有序的课程,以满足学生不同的学术需求. The following is a partial list of the programs we use:
In addition to these programs that “engage the mind,“猫头鹰之巢”以较低的师生比例(通常为5:1)培养学生的精神,使我们能够建立人际关系, 鼓励积极的自尊,并加强我们的学生已经拥有的优势. 随着我们学生在猫头鹰之巢的需求得到满足,我们的目标是让他们自信地迎接未来的学术挑战,并最终为他们提供信仰和工具,帮助他们“改变他们所生活的世界”.
We believe that all students can learn, every day. The Educational Support Services (T.E.S.S.),旨在帮助满足学生的特殊学习需求,以最大限度地提高他们的学术水平, social and emotional potential through a Christ-centered education.
The goal is to help students understand the ways in which they learn best, 并认识到自己的长处和短处,以帮助他们在通识教育课堂上培养独立性. 新葡京appT.E.S.S. teachers work closely with general education classroom teachers, parents, 和卑尔根县特别服务,以确保为学生提供全面的支持. These partnerships help provide differentiated tasks and instruction, accommodations, support structures and tools to help all learners feel a sense of belonging, autonomy and competence throughout their day at school.
除了在课堂上支持通识教育的课堂学习目标和活动, the T.E.S.S. program provides replacement instruction on a limited, or as needed basis for small groups of students in core academic areas. Supplemental curriculums include, but are not limited to, Wilson’s Just Words and Touch Math. These additional tools help to close the learning gaps.
We aspire to help students with academic subject areas study skills, and self-advocacy delivered in three ways:
While we do support students in all academic areas, our most common differentiation takes place in English, Language Arts, and Math.